University Laboratory School
Many terms can be used to describe the Piper Center, but ‘university laboratory school’ and ‘campus children’s center’ are some of our favorites because they highlight our connection to Baylor University!
Not only are high-quality childcare and early childhood education offered at the Piper Center, but our program is also an integral part of the academic division of Child and Family Studies within Robbins College of Health and Human Sciences. Child Development is an applied science, so the faculty and students who study children, families, and phenomena that affect them have access to hands-on application at the Piper Center.
Laboratory schools like the Piper Center have been part of institutions of higher education for over 100 years. By offering programs for young children, colleges and universities are also able to provide their students with opportunities for observation, experience in classrooms, and research with children and families.
Click the link below for more information about the network of lab schools at institutions of higher education across the country.