About Piper
"We value all children as uniquely capable researchers who are seeking connections with their world."
This 'belief statement' was drafted by the teachers and administrators of the Piper Center in 2015 and still serves as a guidestone in our program today. Reflecting on this mantra provides our community of learners with inspiration and accountability to continue the legacy of excellence that has long since been associated with the Piper Center and with Baylor University.
Message from Director
Meet the Director of Piper Center, Michelle Kiefer.
The mission of the Piper Center is to be a laboratory school that provides model programs for infants, toddlers, and preschool children. We also provide leadership to students consistent with the teaching, research/creative endeavors, and service missions of the Department of Human Sciences and Design and Baylor University.
University Laboratory School
Many terms can be used to describe the Piper Center, but ‘university laboratory school’ and ‘campus children’s center’ are some of our favorites because they highlight our connection to Baylor University!
Educational Philosophy
At the Piper Center, we trust in the power of play; believing that it is both a foundational right for all children and that it provides immense opportunities for learning.
The Piper Center for Family Studies and Child Development is named for philanthropists Paul and Katy Piper who gifted the current building and property to Baylor University in 1996.
Faculty and Staff
Meet the faculty and staff at The Piper Center for Family Studies and Child Development at Baylor University, an exemplary model of early childhood care and education.